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Kleeschen 2023

Welcome to our Kleeschen 2023 page, you might have landed here after scanning the QR code which was in the bag. We will tell you here on this page what we did, with which materials we worked this year and what happens with the profits of this years action.

Where are we donating the money to?

This years the profits of Kleeschen will be destinated to Trisomie 21 Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l., an association that strives to help people with Down Syndrome to live as independent and fulfilled as possible. They offer events, activities, workshops, to people with Down Syndrome. This year the bags have been made with the association together.

Visit the webpage of Trisomie 21 Lëtzebuerg:


Kleeschen with Rotary Diekirch-Ettelbruck at LUkraine

Rotary Diekirch-Ettelbruck donated 100 bags to LUkraine and Rotaract Luxembourg distributed the bags to the kids with the help of the Kleeschen himself. More information about LUkraine can be found here:



Lets start with the materials we used. We listened to you over the last years and we tried to be as sustainable as possible. It was a challenge, because it is not as easy as you might think to find sustainable options in the packaging industry.


Recycling Bin

Visit card

This year we took the decision to produce our visit cards with Ateliers du Tricentenaire in Bissen. This promotes inclusion, a very important pilar for our club. If you would like to find out more about them, visit them here:


The bag

As you might have noticed, this year we did not use anymore the transparent plastic bags as the last years. We are loosing the visual appealing for the traditional Kleeschen Bags, but we think promoting recyclable materials is very important. For this reason, this year the bag was made 100% with recycled paper.


Thank you

Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family

Christmass Classroom

Give us feedback

We would love to hear your feedback for this years bags and actions we took.







































Christmas Decorations
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Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.

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